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NWT Ep115 Trash Art

NWT Ep115 Trash Art

This week Wade talks about how he hit up Philly and NYC. How rats are the ninjas of the animal kingdom. How to get free stuff in NYC. How the art world is a joke, anyone can paint. Then wraps it up by telling you how the robot overlords now want to track when you are stressed. Links are down below.

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This Week's Links:

·         https://www.popsci.com/technology/wearable-stress-tech/

·         Intro & Outro By Teknoaxe Royalty Free Music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtgf00GvfFQVsYBA7V7RwUw

NWT Ep116 Robo Bugs

NWT Ep116 Robo Bugs

NWT Ep114 Zombie Pigs

NWT Ep114 Zombie Pigs